

The Primary Land Users Group, or P.L.U.G. was formed in 2016 to provide information and support for worried rural landowners, and the wider community, who will be directly or indirectly affected by the rules proposed by PC1. We support the overall intention of PC1 in protecting and enhancing the water quality in the Waikato and Waipa rivers. We however, believe that PC1 must be economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable. In its current form, it is not. We are working alongside like-minded organisations and technical experts to achieve a sustainable outcome for all through the submission process.

Submissions on Government’s Freshwater Proposals

The official closing date for submissions on the Government’s Essential Freshwater Package is Thursday 17 October 2019 at 5pm. However, submissions will be accepted for a further two weeks beyond that date, until 31 October. For help with writing your submission and submissions templates, look at the resources available on the Beef+LambNZ  and DairyNZ websites.

News Roundup


Mar 18
Waikato Ballance Farm Environment Awards
Sir Don Rowlands Centre, Lake Karapiro