Social Licence to Govern:
It used to be that we believed most of what our government told us but today the press releases from the Beehive are taken with a huge grain of salt as we see they are filled with half-truths and government spin. We are more divided now than we have ever been and many are openly critical of the government and the direction they are taking our country.
A government majority does not authorise them to do whatever they want to, their majority should only allow them to implement the policies and initiatives that they campaigned on and in the case of the current Labour government their policies did not include centralisation of healthcare or education, changes to governmental governance structures, three waters, etc.
Our Health Minister had been warned more than a year ago that the system was on the verge of collapse. The warnings came from the DHB’s that have now been disbanded and they should know the truth.
We were told we would have the most transparent government ever but it has turned out to be the opposite. We can accuse our leaders of misrepresenting the truth, deliberately misleading us or even telling porkies, the language used doesn’t matter it is where the behaviours lead that matters.
The trouble with corruption is that it creeps up on you over time and we don’t want to start getting used to it. We have to stop it before it becomes acceptable and we become desensitised to it.
We have a Prime Minister who is telling us that her government has a mandate to do things, despite never having mentioned doing those things during her election campaign.
We seem to have empowered a group of politicians to do things we don’t want them to do and using their so-called mandate to drive major constitutional change irrespective of what we think or say.
Creating two systems based on racial division will be nothing short of disastrous for New Zealand and its population.
Attempts to racialise New Zealand, is bound to provoke significant public complaint. Government has a duty to uphold the Rule of Law and protect the democratic rights of all New Zealanders.
Taking into account all of the above it is plainly obvious that the current Labour Government is rapidly losing its Social Licence to govern through their politics of division and this is very evident when you look at their slide in approval ratings in the current polls.
With them moving away from their election manifesto they need to be able to show the electorate that such a movement is for the good of the electorate. But the major push for Co-Governance based on a non-existent partnership agreement supposedly contained in the Treaty of Waitangi is being seen as nothing more than a race based attack on democracy within New Zealand by a larger percentage of the electorate every day.
It is time they were replaced!